What I'm Doing Now

This is a now page, inspired by Derek Sivers. Its aim is to provide you with a very high level overview of what's going on in my life.
Last updated: June 23, 2024


  • Currently in Germany for a week or so to catch some of Euro 2024 with family before diving into new projects. Excited for what’s next!
  • Operating from positive energy and guided by my mission statement and core values, I'm gearing up for the "new internet."
  • Helping early-stage startup founders go from 0 to 1 and beyond. I partner with 2-3 teams each quarter, taking on new challenges. Feel free to reach out!
  • Exploring future trends and reporting on where I believe we’re headed next.
  • Validating new ideas and supporting founders in creating a brighter future.
  • Gradually updating my personal website and shifting my online presence to align with my new goals. Keeping up with my daily morning pages


Helping other founders. Stay tuned....


Stuttgart, Germany

Photo from Euro 2024