March Newsletter - Issue 5

sunshine false creek vancouver

Greetings on this leap year!

Due to the COVID-19 situation, I've had to cancel my travel plans to Southeast Asia for now and will be staying put in Vancouver. The majority of February was dedicated to working on a local marketplace startup, which is gearing up to launch this summer in the Greater Vancouver area before expanding across Canada. Though I can't share too many details yet, I'm quite excited about this venture.

On a separate note, I'm currently seeking a second consulting or advisory role. Do you know anyone in need of skilled support? Specifically, I'm looking to bring on a UX Designer and a Junior Product Manager (or Business Analyst) - the roles are open to remote, part-time, or full-time candidates. If anyone comes to mind, please let me know. I'd appreciate any connections or leads! Lmk!

February Updates:



Trying to slow down, spend more time with each book, and re-read chapters

Film / TV:


That's all.. Let me know what you liked, want to see more or less of.

Photos from February

fam jam photo sister baby nice boat yo granville island bridge

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