Personal Update, Humility + Hard Work, Monthly Reflection Template, + 30 Amazing Links - Issue 10

Having taken a hiatus from my email newsletter, I'm back with it. My greetings..

kenny rollerblading and doing stuff

That’s me. A little older and wiser.

In the midst of renovating my online presence and switching email providers, I was desperate to send something before month’s end. How am I spending my time these days? Consulting with early-stage startups, validating a few ideas, rollerblade racing with Strava strangers, and a lot of reading. Currently, I am in Vancouver, and the weather has been phenomenal. This will be a short howdy hey email 🤠🤠.

After several years with Mailchimp, it’s time to shake things up. Do you run a small email list? Beehivv looks promising, but this will be my last update via Mailchimp. Consequently, my next email might appear in your spam or promotion folder.

Hopefully, you’ll see another update in 2-3 weeks from now. It would be great if you could join me in the next chapter.

Interesting Links

A curated list of interesting content from the future, IRL, and across the web.

The Art of Reflection: Questions to Ask Yourself Each Month

Do you reflect each month? What is your process and do you have a template? These questions served as a springboard for my thinking earlier today:

  1. How did I do?
  2. What were my biggest achievements?
  3. My biggest realization(s)?
  4. In what areas am I most satisfied? Least satisfied?
  5. What am I going to do more of this month? Less of?
  6. What am I thinking about for the upcoming month?

How? Find a quiet place, set phone on dnd, and set a timer for 20-25 minutes.


None. Let me know if any of these links brightened up your day or evoked any sort of emotion. Or just reply to say hi if we haven’t spoken in a while.

What are you working on?

Thanks for reading,


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